Ollie Tierney becomes gaming’s Willy Wonka as hundreds of thousands are spent trying to find Golden Dickers

Fans of Counter-Strike are blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars on sticker capsules to grab some rare finds to on-sell in twelve months.

One of the most sought after collectibles is the “golden dicker,” belonging to the enigmatic Australian Ollie “DickStacy” Tierney of Grayhound Gaming.

The fans came thick and pumped for Grayhound to perform well at their first major, but a 0-3 exit left fans with a bad taste in their mouths.

Going in nice and hard for the stickers, as well as souvenirs with DickStacy’s name on it, has left pundits limp in the wallet with not much time left before the stickers depart the store.

Speaking to one player, who goes by the name of “stroperLR” on Steam, the elusive dickers are proving hard to pull. “I went straight in there as soon as I saw the sale go up on the game, but all I keep finding are BIG and NRG stickers.”

“I see [DickStacy’s sticker] coming, but it never quite gets there. It’s always got me on edge, so close before it ticks over to some Buster sticker.”

Fans have one more chance to rush and grab a dicker with the sticker capsules pulling out of the store very soon.

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