‘I love Season 9’: High-elo players reveal thoughts on League’s new ranked season

Rare – that’s the one word used to describe League of Legends players who do nothing but throw tantrums and complain about small changes made by Riot Games all season long.

Even with their numerous Challenger backpacks, some of the game’s greatest players have taken to moaning about the recent changes to the ranked ladder.

Since the introduction of two new roles in Season 9 – Iron and Grandmaster – as well as questionable balance changes, esports athletes across the world have taken to social media, utilising every pixel of their 280 character Twitter messages to spam “RESET RANKED” 21 and a half times in one tweet.

“Everything about Season 9 is terrible,” one ex-Challenger player revealed to Fireball Esports in their personal Discord channel, which currently boasts 14 participants. “The matchmaking is awful. I cannot believe I’m playing hardstuck Platinum-ranked Yasuo one-tricks in my games.”

“The boosted egirls, that I can deal with. However, the eboys who failed to boost them, playing in the same game? Every part of my mental has gone missing, just like my jungler when dragon is up.”

Twitter has erupted with calls to reset the ranked ladder.

Losing has always been part of another member of social media’s experience in League of Legends who talked to Fireball – Yasuolover68.

An avid enthusiast in all things unforgiven, his 1.68 KDA across 489 games this season with a 48.2 percent win rate has allowed him to reach the rank he was truly destined for – Master.

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s only my teammates who have held me back for the last five seasons,” the solo queue specialist who has been Platinum 2 since Season 4 said.

“Daring to show my true skill has obviously left my enemies quaking in their shoes, and I can’t wait for my backpack at the end of the year.”

Espousing on his own virtues further, break-out Season 9 star Yasuolover68 expressed his love for the new status quo, and believes “ranked has never been in a better place”, before mumbling about “goddamn aftershock Lissandra” and “why do minion bounties exist?”.

Riot Games were absolutely not contacted by Fireball Esports for comment.

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